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BIOPOLIS - Enhancing the transference of scientific and technological knowledge through a new Centre of Excellence in Environmental Biology, Ecosystems and AgroBiodiversity

This project aims at harnessing the unique opportunity opened by the granting of a large H2020 project to be developed in the region Norte under the Call H2020–WIDESPREAD-2018-01 and the Topic H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2018-2019_Teaming Phase 2. This project, BIOPOLIS - Teaming to Upgrade to Excellence in Environmental Biology, Ecosystem Research and AgroBiodiversity, aims at upgrading CIBIO – Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, a research centre hosted by ICETA - Instituto de Ciências, Tecnologias e Agroambiente da Universidade do Porto, to a Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Environmental Biology, Ecosystem Research and AgroBiodiversity. The BIOPOLIS Teaming project is developed in partnership with a research institution from a scientifically advanced country, the University of Montpellier (France), and in close collaboration with a partner from the business sector, the Porto Business School (PBS). The current project will promote the complementarity between funds from Horizon 2020 and the Programa Operacional Regional do NORTE, contributing to reinforce research, technological development and innovation (Thematic Objective 01), promote research in partnership with companies and the valorization of research results (Priority 1.2), and fostering the transference of scientific and technological knowledge to the business sector (Specific Objective 1.2.1). To harness this opportunity, the current project will carry out a series of streamlined and interrelated actions, which are complementary to and will expand the scope and breadth of actions envisaged under the BIOPOLIS Teaming project. A strong component of the project will involve the dissemination and diffusion of new knowledge and technologies generated by the three Strategic Pillars of BIOPOLIS, namely : 1) Environment and Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring; 2) Ecosystem Function, Services and Restoration; and 3) Agrobiodiversity, Conservation and Competitiveness of Local Genetic Resources and Farming Systems. The work will be made in close collaboration with companies, including the development of pilot and dissemination projects, and of sectoral actions of experimentation. The project will also include a strong Initiatives of interaction and knowledge transfer towards their economic valorisation, with a particular focus on networking, and national and international promotion. Finally, the project will develop activities targeted at the economic valorisation of research results, including the protection and commercialisation of intellectual property rights, development of seed projects and support to the creation and strengthening of spin-offs. Overall, it is expected that the project will greatly contribute to strengthen the I&D sector in the Norte region, promoting economic development and highly qualified employment.

Código do projeto: NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000063

Região de intervenção: NORTE

Data de aprovação: 11-06-2021
Data de início: 01-09-2020
Data de conclusão: 31-08-2023
Custo total elegível: 9 731 450,75 EUR
Apoio financeiro da União Europeia: FEDER – 8 271 733,14 EUR
Fundos próprios: 1459717,61 EUR

2020 (Duration: 3 years)
Participant Institutions
Associação BIOPOLIS, ICETA - Instituto de Ciências, Tecnologias e Agroambiente, Porto Business School
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