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Rui Seabra wins FLAD Science Award Atlantic 2020

Rui Seabra wins FLAD Science Award Atlantic 2020
CIBIO-InBIO researcher Rui Seabra won the 1st edition for FLAD's Science Award Atlantic with the project CCTBON – North Atlantic Coupled Coastal Temperature and Biodiversity Observation Network.

The researcher will receive 300,000 Euros of funding in 3 years to implement the largest temperature and biodiversity monitoring network in the entire North Atlantic. The project involves the installation of more than 2000 sensors on 85 rocky beaches along the Atlantic Coast thus creating a data collection network, which will be the largest of its kind in the world.

These sensors will measure the temperature of the water along the North Atlantic coast with a degree of accuracy that satellite technology currently does not have, allowing researchers to understand the impact of climate change on marine biodiversity.

To find out more about this topic, please see the links below:

"Rui Seabra vence FLAD Science Award Atlantic 2020” | FLAD | May 22, 2020 (Information available in Portuguese and English)
"A maior rede do mundo para medir temperatura e biodiversidade costeira” | FLAD | May 22, 2020 (Information available in Portuguese and English)
"Mergulho de dois mil sensores no Atlântico Norte vence prémio de ciência da FLAD” | Público | May 22, 2020 (Information available in Portuguese)
"Biólogo português recebe prémio de 300 mil euros para estudar impacto das alterações climáticas na costa do Atlântico Norte" | Observador | May 22, 2020 (Information available in Portuguese)
"Projeto de portugueses vence prémio para monitorizar Atlântico Norte com sensores e uma app” | Diário de Notícias | May 22, 2020 (Information available in Portuguese)
"Investigador do CIBIO-InBio vence FLAD Science Award Atlantic 2020" | Notícias UP | May 22, 2020 (Information available in Portuguese)

To read the national press release for this study, please click here.

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