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I understood
Selma Kosmas

Selma Kosmas

PhD Student

PhD Student
Member type
CIBIO-InBIO, Universidade do Porto, Campus de Vairão, R. Padre Armando Quintas. 4485-661 Vairão, Portugal

I obtained a B.Sc in Fisheries and Aquatic Science from the University of Namibia in 2011, and thereafter enrolled for a M.Sc. in Environmental & Resource Management at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany and graduated in 2013.

I am employed as a Biology Lecturer in the Department of Wildlife Management and Ecotourism at the University of Namibia, but presently on study leave to pursue a Doctoral Programme in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution (BIODIV).

I have an interest in biodiversity conservation, with particular focus on mammals. At the moment, I am fascinated by the application of non-invasive techniques (mainly molecular genetics) in understanding population status and species interactions in 'natural' ecosystems, in order to address conservation issues. The focus of my PhD work is thus on using DNA metabarcoding to assess the diet of large wildlife carnivores in various conservation areas of southern Africa.

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