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Martim Melo

Martim Melo

Post-Doc Researcher

5 Theses
Aimy Suzanne Cáceres Pinedo (2016) Effects of deforestation and forest degradation on the endemism-rich bird communities of the Angolan Scarp Forests. BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto Supervisors: Martim Melo, Jos Barlow
Ana Catarina Leite (2015) The potential of REDD+ as a conservation opportunity for the Angolan Scarp Forests: Lessons from the unique Kumbira forest. MSc in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution. Universit of Porto. Supervisors: Martim Melo, António Monteiro
Bruno Vaz Silva (2015) Evolutionary history of the birds of the Angolan highlands – the missing piece to understand the biogeography of the Afromontane forests. MSc in Bidodiversity Genetic and Evolution. University of Porto. Supervisors: Martim Melo , Ricardo Lopes
Hugo Pereira (2013) Conservation genetics of the endemic pigeons of São Tomé and Príncipe. Mestrado em Biodiversidade, Genética e Evolução. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto. Supervisors: Paulo Célio Alves, Martim Melo, Ricardo Lopes
Sandra Cristina da Costa Moreira Reis (2000) Effects of anthropogenic habitat changes in disease transmission and vector-host-parasite dynamics in the endemic-rich bird communities of São Tomé and Príncipe Islands. BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto Supervisors: Claire Loiseau ,Martim Melo 
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